Write for us

Our vibe
Once human beings understand the natural order of things and existential reality, they will understand humane conduct.
Philosophy of Coexistence publication aims to provide readers with valid knowledge about life and existence and a thorough analysis of existing beliefs and practices in our society.
We accept posts on philosophy, sociology, humanism, culture, life & living, human behavior, etc. Our goal is to push the message of coexistence, harmony, and abundance into the collective human consciousness.
Why you should write on our publication
- Exposure to our audience.
- Promotion of your articles on our social media network.
- You get to contribute to social change.
General guidelines
- Article length required: 900 to 1500 words.
- Provide original and honest work.
- Reserve self-promotion to your bio.
- To submit, email us at: philosophyofcoexistence@gmail.com
What We Don’t Accept
- Posts that are created solely for link building, SEO purposes.
- Posts that are meant for self promotion.
- Posts on generic or irrelevant topics.
- Poorly written posts.
- Plagiarised content.
The Submission process
- Email us your draft with a short author intro.
- The subject of your email should be: “Post submission for Philosophy of Coexistence”
- Our editing team will review the article and if approved — we will post the article as soon as we can!